LoveMatters 邀请您以语言交换的形式参与我们的活动,无论是女性或男性,分享关于女性在传统社会中被习惯性忽略的故事,认识一些志同道合的新朋友。
LoveMatters invites you to join us in a language exchange, whether female or male, to share stories about how women are habitually overlooked in traditional society and meet some new like-minded cool people.
You can choose one or more of the three sessions for a relaxed and enjoyable chat in the form of practising your spoken expressions in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
📅Date:23 April (Sunday)
📍地点:上海市黄浦区绍兴路16号 拾壹点(一个温馨的咖啡小店)
📍Adddress: 11Oclock, No.16 Shaoxing Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
14:00 - 16:00
English Session 英语角
16:00 - 18:00
Mandarin Session 普通话
18:00 - 19:30
Cantonese Session 粤语角
您还可以从我们的姊妹项目@CircularCat循环猫 中了解到更多关于“拾壹点”的故事。
常见问答 Q&A
Q:I am a male, can I participate in a female themed event?
A:Of course you can, and if the genders were switched for this question, our answer would be the same. We hope that the criteria for making friends at offline events is the story and attractiveness of the other person, not a predetermined gender stance.
您还可以通过@香港大学她观计划项目组 了解更多。
低地文化LOWLAND作为一家以关注可持续发展而成立的数字营销和咨询公司,我们将无形的传播创意和机构愿景转换为可被感知和度量的影响力,目前服务于中国与欧洲的消费品牌、跨国企业、政府机构和组织。 旗下的可持续创意厂牌“CircularCat循环猫”致力于通过整合来自中国上海和荷兰阿姆斯特丹的创意资源,结合科技、时尚、摄影、设计和文学特色,将严肃的可持续发展与循环经济知识转化为可被消费端理解的语言。为认同 ESG 理念的企业、践行 SDGs 的品牌、致力于达到碳中和甚至负碳的机构,提供定制化的可持续创意与传播解决方案。让我们一起“触达永续”(Making Sustainability Tangible)。